Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dude and His Food

Steak - It's hot when a dude orders steak. That said, everything in moderation. I went out a few times with a tattooed pseudo-stud who ordered steak compulsively. It was cute —until I realized he was doing Atkins. Just like you don't want to know when we feel fat, we don't want to know that you're on a fad diet.

Fish - I really like you! You're confident and comfortable in your own skin. You appreciate the finer things and you’re a little bit health-conscious. Again, just don't order it every time, or I’ll start thinking you’re uptight.

Pasta - Perfecto. Just please don't wear a bib. And if you order something boring like pasta primavera, own it. Say you're in the mood for something simple. Otherwise I might picture myself in Napa sipping a pinot while you’re reaching for a Michelob Light.

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