Saturday, April 4, 2009

Can you Live without Your Cell Phone or Laptop?

Nowadays we are so distracted by our cell phone and laptop/desktop. I think we (Generation Y) and all others should take a step away from these coveted devices for a few minutes. I think it would greatly benefit anyone and help foster more communication between friends, family, and even strangers (oooh!) I think that we all have had that experience where we are talking to someone and they start texting someone while you are trying to tell them something. I personally think this is unsociable and a no no. Have you ever wondered why you do not know your classmates or at least people who sit around you? Its probably because you are too busy texting someone, refreshing facebook news feeds, checking on your 4 out of 198 friends on facebook, browsing, playing games, or sitting next to someone you arlready know (comfort zone), etc. People should detach themselves away from these devices because they are literally destroying this generation and possibly other generations social abilities. These devices have been used, in some cases, to avoid social confrontations and to ease social anxiety by appearing to be busy with looking at old text messages, 4,594 emails you should have already deleted, or texting someone that you could just call and speak with a few minutes to say what you need to say. So...the whole point of this is to bring back face to face interaction and more conversations in general instead of omg, lmfao, etc interactions that we are used to on day to day basis.