Sunday, August 31, 2008

Future of E-Commerce

Target was recently sued by an organization that advocates for blind people. According to the lawsuit, Target's website was not properly equipped for blind people. Therefore, they had to settle with the group for 6 million dollars. We realize here at sKoolBoY that we may come under scrutiny as well for this type of lawsuit and will try to be more accessible to our blind users.

McCain checks out Palin's booty!

Check it Out...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Congratulations Barack Obama!

The staff of would like to congratulate Barack Obama for becoming the first African-American nominated to be President of the United States of a major political party, Democrats. We would also like to say Go Obama! Yes, We Can. Everybody needs to vote on Nov.4, If you do not vote, you cannot complain. Vote!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rate Your Professor- Very Important

We here at sKoolBoY recommend that you check all of your teachers out on It is a great website for checking out your teachers before choosing your class schedule. It can mean the difference between straight A's or grades that are all over the place. Don't gamble with your GPA. You don't want to look back and say "Man!, I should have switched out of that class earlier." Some of the staff members feel your pain, especially Progressive Florida. We had a class together at ??? and that teacher was horrible, if we had just switched we would have ended up with at least a B and not a C which was the grade for over 60% of that class. Be smart and check out today before the deadline to add/drop a course passes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Internation Edition Textbooks- Cheaper and Softer

We are always trying to improve the price of the books sold on our website and we are investigating international edition textbooks which are essentially the same as the U.S version except that it is mostly printed in black and white and may lack some supplemental information. Still, if students can save 50% or more on their books, we will try our best to offer books at these low prices. In addition, the international edition is usually a soft cover which makes it lighter to carry around as well. We must note that shipping will cost more to obtain an international edition, but the total price will still be less than what you would normally pay full price for a new U.S edition. In the end, it is worth your time to check and see if the international edition is available for a particular book you are looking to purchase.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Digital Textbooks: New Frontier?

Are digital textbooks going to replace traditional textbooks? So far, it seems that paper is here to stay but maybe there will be a transition in the long term. At Skoolboy, we were thinking about including a category just for electronic textbooks. Electronic textbooks are good but they require having a computer or some sort of device to open the file and read it. It is more convenient to use electronic text since you do not have to carry it around. The reason why Electronic textbooks have not become mainstream has to do with file sharing and the textbook or book industry would suffer if all books went digital because that would lead to piracy and people would get their textbooks for free on some BitTorrent file sharing website. Education should be free but that's not how big business sees it. Regardless, we will continue to monitor the situation and continue to make future posts about this topic. In the meantime, here is a website that offers electronic text for textbooks.

Zinio Digital Textbooks

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Skoolboy Partnership with Sourb

The blog is still under construction but we would like to take this time to announce a future partnership with a blog called Sourb (tentatively called Sourb, name could change). This blog will allows bloggers to make money by blogging. We will most likely have the alpha version of the site up in the next few months. We will continue to post updates.

Back to Skoolboy

Summer is Fading Away and You need some extra spending money for the upcoming
Fall/Spring Semester. No worries. Buy/Sell Your Textbooks, Laptops, Cellphones, and
more at today. We have great deals on All Textbooks, Laptops,
Cellphones, and more. You can sell items on the site for free. You can post videos
in your auctions. You can suggest categories for the site and more. Check Us out
Facebook and Myspace(skoolboy1986). Sign Up Today!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Have you heard of

If you haven't heard, you will now. This website offers legal videos of shows you might watch on tv. You can watch full length movies and embed all these things on your website or blog.

Here is a clip from the site: Charlie Brown Reunion

Angry Ebay Users Find A Home on

Attention Angry Ebay Users:

If you are tired of Ebay's policy changes, here is a home for you. At, you can list items for free and you only pay 4% end of auction fee. All the optional fees on our site are much cheaper than what Ebay is offering. We also have extra features Ebay does not have that include but are not limited to adding videos in your auctions and suggesting categories for the website. If you are looking for another website to list your items or just make a complete change of scenery, can be your new home. We welcome all users and we respect the opinion of our users. Sign up at today.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Free College Textbooks Solutions

If you are looking for a site that offers free college textbook solutions, you should visit


I visited the site and it seems pretty easy to use and you can search for your school using a map of the U.S. on the site.

What is your impression of the website?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Check out new Pac man game and Playlist

We just added some new elements to the blog.

sKoolBoY Public Service Announcement

Check out this new video.

Monday, August 18, 2008

sKoolBoy Newsletter- 8.18.2008

We have some great news! The website will not be going offline!!! So you can
continue to list items and shop for your textbooks and other stuff. We are going to
try and do all the maintenance late at night so it will not impact buyers and
sellers.We would like to introduce you to a new sKoolBoY staff member. The person's
name is Pellum and he is from Germany. We lost a recent staff advisor named Asif, we
will miss him and would like to take this moment to wish him good luck in his other
endeavors. The next semester is just around the corner so don't forget to buy your
books here or sell textbooks from last semester to other students. That's all we have
to say for now. Always look for other information in the news section of the site or
on the blog.


For some reason, the text did not post correctly.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Slow Down: Speed Bump!!!

Check out this video:

Friday, August 15, 2008

Site is Back!

The site is back but we will be taking it offline indefinitely. When you type in the url to the site, you will be taken to a new blog where we will post info about the site, skoolboy staff, and more exciting information. Stay Tuned.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Site Maintenance

The site is currently undergoing some reconstruction. Please bear with us. We will post on the blog when the site is backup. There is extensive reconstruction that is being done and the site will be essentially relaunched. Stay tuned for updates.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Another sKoolBoY web series Installment:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If you were Invisible for a day, What would you do?

I would alter my grades on certain exams. :) I'm not kidding. I want the A!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Short film- what the f#$@%

Friday, August 8, 2008

Enjoy the Food at the Olympics!

Take a look at these pics.

Why Guys Screw up?

Check this video out.

How men screw up

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Americans are so Smart?!

Here are a few examples of American Superior Intelligence:

Paris Hilton for President, Rihanna for Vice President?

If you have not already seen the Paris Hilton response ad to the McCain "Obama Celebrity" ad, you need to check it out. she outlines an energy plan that is as comprehensive as Obama's and McCain's plan details. Check out the video below:

Note: McCain is so old, he remembers when dancing was sin. hilarious!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Who are you voting for?

We are going to remain neutral as to not sway any comments but if you would like to remain anonymous that is an option when you post comments.

Note: The picture above has nothing to do with our party affiliations as a staff. We just thought it was funny.

What are you listening to?

What music are you listening to these days?

Right now, staff members are listening to some Lil Wayne, Kate Perry, Lupe Fiasco, M.I.A, and some Linkin Park.

Personally, I like M.I.A- paper planes, right now. Check out the video below.

Facebook Profile Badge

Here is the Facebook profile page for sKoolBoY website.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What is Better Facebook or Myspace?

I personally am now starting to like Myspace more because they have no limits for adding friends but I still like Facebook for their more organized profiles. what do you think?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Next President?

Watch this video, so people can finally see John McCain, since the media refuses to call him out on several of his flops. Not to say Obama is not guilty of this, but McCain has been getting a free ride for the most part. Click on the title to see another video of McCain- the Maverick?