Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Life after College- Wait Get an Internship First

If you are looking for that great job after you finish college, you should seriously consider doing a paid or unpaid internship to gain more job experience and have something to pad your resume. Doing big time internships with respected companies, sets you apart from other students applying to jobs. Some of the best internships turn into future jobs later on. Apply to internships now if you are serious about getting into an internship during the summer because other people are applying as this is being written. GO!

Where can you look for these great internships?

-You should talk to other students who have done internships, ask your professors about internships, and go to your school's career center.

-Or you could go online and check out websites such as MonsterTrak that allow you to search for internships and entry-level jobs.

-Also, Some of the best internships are international internships because they function as a vacation and internship. So when you are thinking about that internship, why not do an internship in Venice, Italy?