Friday, January 9, 2009

Recession Proof Job for Students

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We here at sKoolBoY love student entrepreneurs and would like to encourage students in High schoool, College or even younger to follow through on any ideas you might have that might better improve society. Did you realize that entrepreneurs or small businesses are responsible for a lot of the job creation in the U.S.? Therefore, if you have an idea but are not sure how to follow through on the idea, make sure to get in contact with business professionals through your local SBA. Or if you are in college, try and see if there is a department in the business school that tries to help entreprenurs or is possibly hosting a business plan competition. When starting a business, one of the most important things to keep in mind is having a solid strategy or goal for your business that is easily identifiable. For example, Facebook is a business that is great at connecting friends all over the world and makes it revenue through ad placements on the site. So, make sure that you can provide a valuable service to people and convince them that it is worth their time using. Several people start a business thinking they will become instant MILLIONAIRES just because they opened a store on the web that sells shoes. Sure, there are some sites that were on the internet since it blew up in the 90's and they have become successful now because of the principle of first entry in the market. But, all good and successful businesses have a good/great product with a clear vision. If you are starting a business, make sure you know how you are going to make money, if you are even interested in making money in the first place. If you just want to create a great free service for people to take advantage of, that is great too. A lot of businesses stall because people think they need thousands or millions of dollars to get started or launch the idea. This is NOT true. We started by outsourcing the creation of the website for a discounted price instead of paying the $5,000 to $15,000 dollars that most developers quoted. If outsourcing is still too expensive, try to network and find someone who shares the same passion as you (not easy) or a friend to help split the expenses. Remember: You just need to make a prototype or something tangible f or investors to see and get an idea of your business in order to get the ball rolling. More importantly, don't think that just because your business is not successful intially that you are a failure. All businesses go through transitions and morph in some way or another. So before you give up, try and think if you could tweak your business a little to give it an extra boost especially if there is some interest out there. The next thing is getting your business out there by marketing it. A great way to market your business is to form partnerships with other businesses that attract similar visitors. An example would be website that sells bicycles might partner with a website that sells helmets, knee pads, etc. All you have to do is send the owner of that business an email asking to place a widget, banner, etc on your site. These days the internet is all about content. CONTENT IS KING. Also, people on the internet like to see that you are affiliated with other websites especially well-known websites (if possible), it gives you status and legitimacy. All of this applies to internet business or brick and mortar stores.

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