Tuesday, January 6, 2009

[True Self]: New Year, Better You

From TrulyBeautifulOnline.com

Every year, when the glimmering crystal ball drops at the stroke of midnight, we all tell ourselves that we will finally live our lives the way we really want to - on our own terms. Many people resolve to do all of the things they wanted to do and didn't get a chance to, such as skydiving, going on a road trip or reading the Bible from cover to cover (my resolution for the past 5 years and counting). People also resolve to spend more time with loved ones, make bold career moves and get in shape. However, despite our amazing intentions on January 1st, do we ever really stick to our goals and resolutions?

www.43things.com is a really neat Web site that I found that makes it a little bit easier to hang tough with your goals, with a healthy mix of peer pressure, positive thinking and self fulfilling prophecy. All you have to do is sign up to join the community of fellow goal-setters and make a list of your goals. From there, you can write journal entries about your progress, update your list and view the goals and resolutions of thousands of people across the world! How cool is that?

I started my own page and hopefully I will have much more success in meeting my goals from 2008 than in previous years. I hope that you find it helpful too.

Here are some other tips to make it easier to achieve your New Year's resolutions:

  • Set measurable goals (i.e. "I want to lose ten pounds in 6 months")
  • Make sure that you have a plan for goals that are harder to achieve, such as getting into grad school. Do your research on schools, buy a book or sign up for a Kaplan course and work hard. Setting the goal is just the first step.
  • Find people you know who also have the same goals. Hitting the gym together or studying at the library with company will make your goals seem more achievable.

I wish everyone only the best in 2008. It is a new year brimming with all the potential in the world. It's your job to make it happen!