Saturday, January 17, 2009

Student Businesses Honorable Mentions!!!

We felt bad for leaving out other student businesses that we thought were worthy of being covered on the blog. Now, we wanted to cover good student businesses especially those with a professional website and those who had an interesting idea. Also, we wanted to cover a business in a different industry each day. For example, Monday(Life Sciences), Tuesday(Food/Confection), Wednesday(Education), Thursday(Entertainment), and Friday(Ecommerce). Some of the businesses that were not mentioned overlapped with another business from the same industry.

Here is the List of Businesses that were Left Out:

1. Really cool website if you are looking for a quick way to get a MLA citation and other citations for books, websites, magazines, you name it. Everyone hates writing works cited after spending hours writing a paper.

2. Have you Ever Missed the 1st day of class? Of Course, nobody is perfect. In that case, this website provides syllabuses for classes all over the country enter your university, search for the professor, and print out the syllabus.

3. University Tees- This website is great if you run a club or just need some custom made t-shirts. They do silk screening for shirts, stitching for hats, etc.

4. If you love playing poker and would love to personalize your own deck of cards, this site is great for doing that. Just submit a .jpg file and you are ready to go. The prices are really cheap and you get a minimum of four decks.

5. This website is great,BUT they charge a ridiculous amount of money for their services. They must be the BEST editors in the world, who knows? If you are down to the wire, bitting off finger nails and you need that A and have the cash, why not?